Going On  Advanced Features For most, if not all, Macintosh computers there are credits or messages in the ROM, although they may not be in the same place. To find them, using MacsBug, type DMA 40800118 999 (display memory in ASCII from location 40800118 and on up) and keep pushing return until you see something. If you reach 408A... you should stop because then it gets pretty boring and I don’t think there is anything past there. Some computers will have the “What are you staring at?” message, and others will have the messages you will see in the next chapter. It is possible to find things out of the range I mentioned so feel free to look. You can always return to the desktop by simply typing G and pushing Return. In some earlier versions of MacsBug DMA does not work; simply type DM instead. They both do the same thing, just one displays it only the ASCII text. Also, MacsBug is not case sensitive, so you don’t have to use caps. I reccomend try most of the locations for the Performa, Powerbook, or any system that is, or closely resembles, yours. Finding the ASCII Character I have also found that there is a way to search for ASCII text. I was sent a letter regarding the long Performa egg you will see in the next chapter. I have confirmed that it can be found on an 8100/80 and assume it exists in most PowerMac systems. It moves around in the memory, so the only reliable way to find it (on the 8100/80) is to type into Macsbug: F 0 FFFFFF 'allocate globals'. This instruction says "Find 'allocate globals' from ROM location 0 to FFFFFF". This will search all of your ASCII up to the point specified. From there take the left-most number, which is the ROM location, and type DMA (Number) 999. No parenthesis. It will go to the desired egg. Press Return if you would like to keep searching. This works for many other different ASCII codes that I have mentioned. Take note that the search will not go past six characters and will probably have an error before the given maximum. For this reason, you can not use it for high ROM locations. Another problem is where the name of your search repeats over and over again in a location of the ROM. Once you reach that, it is best not to go on.   Using MacsBug You should be able to find MacsBug almost anywhere. I found mine on AOL, but have seen it in other places. Place MacsBug in your system folder; it is not an application. You might need to put the Debugger Prefs Resources in the preferences folder, although I think the actual preferences are built in. Simply restart and push the sequence of keys that would normally get you to the debugger. From there do as the egg suggests. Very often your computer will freeze when making mistakes or using the command “G (any number)”. You will probably return to MacsBug but will have to restart to continue work. While running MacsBug, do not have an application open and save all work. Do not leave MacsBug on for a long time or it could result in screen burn in (screen savers don’t effect it). Finally, MacsBug is a risky application. You should not fool with it unless you know what your doing or follow these instructions. Its whole purpose is to screw with your system. You can also create a log file that will save all of the text in MacsBug. This can be very useful if there is something you want to keep. Just type log (name of the file). No parenthesis. The name can be anything you want. It will be put on your desktop and can be opened with SimpleText. It will also continually update until you stop using MacsBug.